TAHS: FHA Lending and Fair Housing | Zoom Only
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM) (CDT)
TAHS: FHA Lending and Fair Housing
License holder will gain understanding of FHA as an entity; its role and function in the home buying process from a lending perspective and how to best serve their clients who are FHA eligible. Being a federal loan program, lending guidelines are directly impacted by Federal Fair Housing Act. License holder will gain an understanding of legal responsibilities related to real estate transactions so not to violate any fair housing guidelines. The course explores the areas of law related to the Fair Housing Act applicable to the day-to-day encounters of the real estate agent and potential impact on real estate transactions.
Course # 48297
Texas REALTORS® Provider #0001
Instructor: Cassandra Davis
CE: 6 hours

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Education Courses
GMAR University Premium GRI
GMAR University Premium TACS
GMAR University Deluxe GRI
GMAR University Deluxe TACS