Day 1 ABR: Accredited Buyers Representative|Zoom ONLY (2 Day Course)
Monday, May 20, 2024 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM) (CDT)
This course serves as the core of the Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR®) designation program. It is the benchmark of excellence in buyer representation. The goal of this course is to set the foundation of training, skills, and resources to help real estate professionals succeed in the marketplace as buyer’s representatives. This course is a fundamental resource for understanding the duties that REALTORS® owe to clients, customers, the public, and fellow REALTORS® as outlined in the NAR Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. In each course module you will examine a different topic; together they create a comprehensive guide to help you become an effective, efficient and profitable buyer’s representative.
Instructor: Mac McFarland
Course #39438
Provider #0001
CE Hours: 16 hours

Refund/Cancellation Policy:
A no show fee of $30 will be enforced.
No refunds will be issued after day of class. Classes are automatically canceled if there are no registrants by 5:00pm day before class. When classes are canceled due to no registrants, we will not register any walk-ins the day-of.
The instructor will be via Zoom. This class is remote only. No in person attendance.
Education Courses
GMAR University Premium GRI
GMAR University Premium TACS
GMAR University Deluxe GRI
GMAR University Deluxe TACS